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Suicide Distress Line from White Rock, BC. Company specialized in: Crisis Intervention Services.
Call us for more - (800) 784-2433
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31 Jul 2019
Psychiatrists in Vancouver Could somebody please recommend a not too expensive psychiatrist in Vancouver? Or therapy or anything related? Please do not make comments on the -not too expensive- part, Im seriously trying not to end it all and Im crying for help right now. And money is a problem. Thanks.
Proudownerofaseyko: https://crisiscentre.bc.ca/ Please call here for help. The volunteers are trained to help you find the resources you need. 1-800-784-2433 And yes, go to any nearby hospital for help, they can refer you to the right department.
Sjrx: If you are in crisis and/or trying not to end it all you should call [1-800-784-2433 (Crisis Centre)](https://crisiscentre.bc.ca/are-you-feeling-suicidal/) . You can also go to a hospital right now or call 911. They should all be able to give you immediate attention and or provide you with next steps.
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23 Dec 2015
Looking for a cheapish?? Therapist/someone to talk to I have never done this before, and never needed this help before but I'm lying in bed tonight and I feel I need to talk to someone. I'm not depressed I don't think. I'm lonely, and confused and so many emotions. Anyway does anyone know a cheaper therapist I could just talk to? I don't earn a whole lot of money but I have been feeling like the for a few months now and would like to see if chatting to a therapist helps. Thanks!
Cinnamonchai: Here ya go, bud: Distress Services: **Greater Vancouver 604-872-3311** **Fraser Health - (Burnaby to Boston Bar) 604.951.8855 OR 1.877.820.7444** Toll Free Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast 1-866-661-3311 TTY 1-866-872-0113 BC-wide 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Online Service for Youth www.YouthInBC.com Online Service for Adults www.CrisisCentreChat.ca Seniors Distress Line 604-872-1234 Mental Health Support (BC-wide) 310-6789 Highly recommend. **Most are 24/7.** You likely won't get anyone available in person at this time unless you're in acute distress (then walk yourself to ER and ask to speak to a psych nurse, psychiatrist, etc.)
David S.
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26 Jun 2014
Fashion Designers in Illinois and the midwest: I am assisting a fellow photographer involved in the coordination of the Live Out Loud Charity 5th Annual fashion show here in Illinois. It is October 11, 2014 find a designer for the show. He has asked me reach out to my fashion designer network and see if there is an experienced designer that would be interested in participating in this charity runway. Let me know if you are and I will connect you with him. I am not clear on the events location however I am confident it is in the Chicago metropolitan area, meaning if it is not in Chicago it is in a suburb not too far away. In partnership.
Derek T.: Little bit about the charity. Charity is called Live Out Loud Charity for suicide prevention and all aspects leading to it. Www.liveoutloudcharity.org The Charity was found by Sherrie Gearheart five years ago when she lost a friend to suicide, at that time she decided to help others in need. Live Out Loud Charity educates others on how to prevent suicide, through simple steps and it focuses on preventetive measures like core character development and self esteem building in our leadership academy. Our annual fashion show is a fundraiser to help with LOLC mission and expansion. Our fashion shows are about celebrating life and beauty thats why our models are all shapes, sizes and ethnicities. 5 th Annual Live Out Loud Charity Fashion Show will be held October 11 in Schaumburg Illinois in a banquet hall. Our goal is to have 15+ designers, 200 models and 750 guests in the audience. Last year main guest designer was Devoid N Deveil a Dark Couture Designer, with 6 other designers. And the year before main designer was Marlene Haute Couture among others. The event will be covered by Tiara Magazine, a pageantry and fashion publication in print and online read in over 147 cuntries Www.tiaramag.net And other media outlets. Again thank you for all the recommendations, we'll be reaching out to the designers soon. At the moment Sherrie Gearheart is competting in Miss US International pageant competition in Florida and when she comes back few days later she will be on her way to the Philippines on a humanitarian mission to bring food, medicine and hope to under privillaged children. This is her second trip there. Sherrie Gearheart is a humanitarian, beauty queen, model but foremost a rolemodel to all. I trully hope you can join us with helping others by supporting Live Out Loud Charity. Derek Tokarzewski Live Out Loud Charity Creative Director. Save a date October 11 2014
Bitchy C.
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13 Sep 2013
Confession #408
I've felt like killing myself since I was 17. I'm now 22. My whole life had led up to nothing and I know it's cause I'm lazy but that doesn't include how crappy my love life has been. I've been looking for a country (or state) that allows physician assisted suicide but I can't find one. I would really like to know. I have extreme agoraphobia (social anxiety) and I just can't live anymore. Can anyone find me help?
Marny N.: Please call 1 of these numbers sumone will help ....1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255..

Suicide Distress Line
Serving Fraser Valley and the surrounding area
(800) 784-2433
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(888) 564-8336